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Have you ever wanted to quickly and easily reprogram your subconscious mind surrounding a topic? Maybe you just can't break through or overcome that "thing." 


Subliminal affirmations and positive mindset reinforcement are an incredible tool at basically uninstalling that old hardware that is no longer serving you and putting in a conscious new programming that works for you! 


I have personally done this on many topics and have seen such fast results, sometimes within a week, but results vary depending on the person and how their subconscious works with the recordings. 


We have many old programs and social conditioning that has been told to us for decades and it's now time to reprogram the subconscious mind to work for you!  


It is similiar to hypnosis in that you bypass the ego and programmed subconscious and you get it to believe a new set of beliefs and truths! Ones created by you and for you! 


The best time to listen to these is when you are falling asleep because you will go into the hypnogogic state which is right before you fall to sleep. This is when your brain wave states are transitioning from beta to alpha to theta. Theta is the magic state! It's where manifestations and subconscious reprogramming can really get in there and start getting you the results you want. Listen to them on a low level volume to penetrate even more. 


Email me after purchase of the specifics you want to focus on. I will channel and infuse with reiki your personalized affirmations and subliminals to listen to. This will be 15 mins on an audio recording that will be emailed to you! 

15 min Personalized Subliminals/Affirmations

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