Reiki is a wonderful healing modality that can help emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and phyiscally. Lori is a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner and loves working with people to heal through the power of Reiki.
Reiki is energy healing and can be done in person and remotely as it works on the energetic level. This service is for a 30 minute distance healing session.
Lori does all of her reiki sessions remotely between 6pm-9pm CST most evenings. She does not need you to be present or even aware that the healing is going on.
Once your order comes through, Lori will be notified and you will need to email her the following information to
-Your Name
-Your Age
-Your location (just city/state)
-What ailments, conditions, concerns that you want focused on during the reiki session
Once Lori gets this email, she will let you know when she will be doing your session. It will be within 24-48 hours and she will then record a detailed audio of what went on during the session and her insights. You will get that video within 24 hours of the healing being completed.
Please reach out to Lori for any questions that you have before booking.
30 Min Distance Reiki Session
After you complete your purchase please email Lori at to coordinate your appointment.